What to do with a grounded swift

They're here and spend most of their life on the wing, so being grounded is really bad news for a swift. Should you happen upon one, here's what to do ...

Because of the length of the wings and shortness of the legs, most swifts (with the exception of very few strong adults) are unable to take off from a flat surface.

Hence, once grounded, they are trapped and doomed to death. As such a young swift gets only one chance to become airborne. If all goes well, it will fly non-stop until it returns to breed.

If you find a grounded swift, check that there are no obvious injuries, that the breast is not sharp and thin (starving) and that any flight feathers are not still in sheathing (young bird).

If the bird is not injured, take it to an upstairs window (for an adult bird an outstretched arm when standing up may be adequate) and place it on the palm of your hand, head facing outwards. Gently raise and lower your arm, thus allowing the bird to feel the air under its wings. It should then start taking an interest and usually takes off with confidence.

If it is reluctant to leave and is either in poor condition or a young bird, make it comfortable in a box. Regardless of age, a swift is unable to pick food from the ground, and is reliant on being fed.

Since a swift is extremely difficult to care for in captivity, it should be passed on to an expert rehabilitator as soon as possible. Offer it water in a cotton bud or end of a finger to prevent dehydration. Swifts, being totally aerial, need their wings to be in perfect condition. If a wing is damaged, you should seek the help of a vet.


P.s: Don't forget to tell us about the screaming swifts and swift nest sites near you. For more information check out the link here.

  • Hi Mrs T

    Heard 1st screaming swifts of the year last Sat locally, waiting for them to start up here.

    Filled in the form, but as I did so I was unable to change the year from 2010 - 11, not sure if that's my inability, more than likely or a wee oversight.

    Great site, keen to make a nest box for them - they seem v £ to buy ready made.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for the advice we have occasionally had young ones brought to our bird sanctuary and we have had little success in feeding them.

     One thing I have found effective for giving just the right amount of water is a small, soft arist's water colour brush. This is so effective for all sorts of small, especially baby creatures, that I always keep several handy. I have had injured bats of all ages readily learn to suck the bristles, a tiny abandonned kitten, and injured birds etc.  Just make sure there are no loose bristles before you start. To begin with you can drip smaller amounts from the tip of the bristles than is usually possible with a dropper and the creature you are dealing with can get used to the idea without danger of drowning!!



    God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!