Blackbird behaviour

A blackbird is attacking the car constantly - about 2 weeks now - and will not be shooed off. He also attacks the house windows.  On one occasion he flew inside the car and then went out unharmed.  We would like to know if anyone else has had this problem and is there a cure without harming the bird?

  • Hi, the blackbird sees his own reflection on the window and he's trying to shoo it away by attacking it.

    You can try putting some food near the windows, or, close the curtains so that there won't be a reflection. This is a common behaviour with garden birds :)

    'Dip a dee dah, dip a dee ay, we're not seeing any birds to-day...'

  • Yes I did experience this behavior and at the time was mystified and thought that the Blackbird had taken a dislike to my new car. I discovered some time later that they were building a nest above the car in the carport.

  • Lots of birds do this as they see their reflection and attack it thinking it's a threat.Just one of those things.


    With our home windows though we need to get rid of the reflection as it can hurt the birds as they try to fly through.They usually fly in hard and can break their necks......



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Thank you all for the advice.  He has not tried flying into the windows just gets on the ledge and pecks madly at the glass (even when blinds are down).  Cannot see anywhere nearby the car that he could be nesting  and have now moved car to another parking space which seems to have confused him as now flies about frantically as if to say "where has my toy gone" and sits on the driveway waiting for its return.   There is a feeding station on the other side of our home but he is not interested in that.  This is one weird bird I promise you!

  • Hi Yvonne

    Welcome to the Community :-)

    Lot's of different types of birds seem to exhibit this behaviour when they see what they think is a rival, in their reflection.

    We have lots of other threads about it. If you search for reflections or windows, or maybe look through the Tags, you will find them. :-)

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Yes!!  A blackbird has ruined numerous windscreen wipers as has been attacking his reflection for over a month now!

    We were thinking it was after fruit falling from the above tree. Not the case!  Attacks side rubber of windows also whilst flying in mid air. Does look rather angry to put it mildly!!