I don't know if you got this unfinished blog, I pressed the wrong button...sorry.
Thanks, in anticipation for answers!!!!
"Birds of a Feather".... ~( :o )
I dont know wether I can watch the google earth of our little family, I find it so sad looking at Deshar's route in to the sea, I just feel so attached to these ones,
I just wish they could stay where they are nice and safe, but thats not what nature has planned for them so all I can do is hope and wish so hard for them to be safe
its just such along way if only they could follow Mum and Dad
The more you rush, the longer it takes
dont know wether I can watch the google earth of our little family, I find it so sad looking at Deshar's route in to the sea, I just feel so attached to these ones, (you say, Ellieloo)
And I certainly know what you mean. I can't either - I just get upset all over again seeing Deshar out in the north Atlantic . SO I have clicked in the 'tick box' to the left of their names and the tick disappears AND SO DOES THE ROUTE I If you've already done this now forgive me but just in case you didn't realise that you could do this I hope it will be helpful to you. You'll feel much better just looking at Rothes and Mallachie.
You will have to 'un tick' the 'tick boxes' each time you open GoogleEarth but that isn't much trouble is it? I 've tried deleting Deshar and Nethy permanently but just can't fine out how to do it. They always reappear. Maybe someone (like Tiger) much cleverer than I would know.
Hi Maureen, I don't think it's an exact science as far as the ospreys are concerned. I remember that, in the early spring, they were saying that Nethy's transmitter would switch to more frequent signals again because they wanted to see whether she would get the urge to move North as the season changed. Presumably as the weather, or food supply or light, or whatever (seeing other ospreys?), changes they get the urge to start moving North. The first years maybe don't get it so strong, or not having done it North before they don't have such strong geographical clues and are more tentative. Obviously one occasionally makes it all the way back the first year, and perhaps some take till the third or even more. I would think the urge to find a mate becomes much stronger at some point and affects the distance thay are prepared to go. The range of overwintering and also stopping for the summer is quite wide. They were saying last year that migration to the SW of England might be possible in the next few years and my husband saw a summer one on the Loire this year. I presume one of the reasons they are tagging them is because they are researching all this.
I think I got "suggests this as an answer" because I didn't use a Reply button but used the Answer This button at the top of the thread near the original question. I'll get the hang of all this eventually!!
You can switch the routes of Nethy and Deshar off and on by unchecking and checking the boxes. There is no data available for Rothes and Mallachie yet.
Tiger Signature
Is anyone on this blog? I'm just wondering if you're getting the same all-blue picture on the LG cam that I'm getting (it's midnight UK time).
Yes, Annette - at least, I once came home from work and discovered the blue screen and thought, oh Rats! no infrared camera. But, on other nights it just gets darker and darker and darker till all one can see is a shimmering dark that the imagination can turn into an army of Ospreys all sleeping in the nest. Ha ha ha :) So, still no infrared camera but no blue screen either. Make of that what you like then !!
Right, I'm off into my bath and bed. Happy viewing of darkness - roaming around the site to familiarize yourself - uploading lovely pics to Your Galary in Your Page - ETC ! :) Have a great time. Nite nite
Thanks! Thought it was me (maybe they don't like Southern Californians!!) :-)