swift stuck in conservatory

We have a swift stuck in our conservatory. We’ve tried catching it but it’s obviously quite frightened and isn’t letting us close. I’m not sure what too do about it. Any tips?

  • Hopefully you opened every exit available, left it, and it escaped of its own accord. Due to the time of the post, it's likely to be a young house martin that was returning to its nest to roost, or trying to find a safe place to roost, and took a wrong turning. If it was a young swift, in a confined space, it would have been grounded in seconds IMO and would have been easy to then pick up. 

  • Hopefully, as last poster "Stealthy"  says it is more likely to be a House Martin than a Swift so as suggested open every available window/door and back away so it can hopefully find its own way out.  

      In the unlikely event it is a swift ..........take a look at THIS INFORMATION,      good luck and hope the bird finds its way out soon.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Back in 2006 I actually did have a Swift fly into my lounge through double doors but luckily never grounded & flew back out without crashing into anything,  those were the days when we had many of them swirling above catching readily available insects ... scarcely see any these days!Disappointed relieved


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr