Very poor looking blackbird

As the title suggests I have a blackbird that frequents the garden that is in a very sorry state. As the photo shows, is has lost basically all its tail feathers and, presumably as a result of the lack of feathers, his legs are heavily cover in what looks to be excrement. He’s also got very thin, soiled feathers on his breast. I know blackbirds often look pretty scruffy this time of year but this is the worst state I’ve ever seen one in.

He’s still able to fly as he’s able to get up to my window bird feeder, but I’d still like to know if there’s anything that can be done/I can do for this poor boy, or do I just have to hope his feathers grow back? 

  • Hi, I have one exactly the same. Except mine has a broken leg. Or a really sore leg. I've been trying to protect him at all costs away from the cats on the estate and he's quite happy living at the bottom of our garden. He can also fly but he's been jumping more than flying. But ours looks exactly like this one and I just feel helpless. I know they moult at this time of the year but ours kind of let out a sad scared noise when the magpies landed next to him. Of course I'm making sure he is fine and scaring the bigger ones off. I'm even feeding him before any of the others. I really hope they can both get through this moult or if it is other birds,, I hope they grow their feathers back. Here is my little friend. His back end is exactly the same as your little friends. I worry about the garden birds too much. So I really hope it's just a case of moulting badly and they'll be able to fly properly again soon. I've also noticed ours has perked up a bit from when I first saw him like this which makes me think other birds had him Xx 

  • As you can see, he does struggle but we tried to make it easier for him to get up and down. He also knows I put food behind that panel so he gets the chance to have it before the others see. 

    This video could not be prepared.

  • Glad to see my one isn’t alone with the very scruffy look! Must just be a really bad moulting season for the pair of them.
    As for an update for mine, he’s still pretty grubby and definitely in need of a good wash but his tail feathers have started to finally grow back! He definitely isn’t 100% in terms of overall health as the other day I was able to get pretty close to him on the floor before he flapped away, but he’s still got a bit of fight in him as he’ll try shoo away the other birds (mostly starlings) that come to my feeder, though with little success as a lot of them ignore him. 
    Fingers crossed your one gets better with his leg, and that we both have beautiful blackbirds back in the near future!