Baby seagull

Hello there,

We have seagulls nesting in our chimney (which we will get sorted once they have left the nest), but this morning I noticed a baby seagull in our front courtyard. Courtyard is only 1-3 feet deep around the bay window, so not a lot of space for him to move around. He's moved a little during the day but has mostly stayed quite still so not sure if injured.

I am not sure if his parents know he's there as they're making a lot of noise but haven't seen any come down. He is shouting back as well. Advice online seems very much to leave them be but that's if they are being fed and I' m not sure he is. Also can't be sure on injuries. I'm not keen to pick him up unless absolutely necessary. I'm not a bird person at all and I know how aggressive the parents will be if they see me with him.

Any advice?