Baby Magpie

I have 2 cats (male and female) and one day my male cat bought home a baby magpie. The magpie was still alive, surprisingly but its wings were damaged and its stomach was bleeding. So we decided to take care of him and release him when he re-gains his strength. We kept him for 2 weeks and 5 days and realised him today. We have been applying original Vaseline on his wounds and wings and they got better. The wounds have turns into a scab, and now he’s able to fly a good distant but not too far. We have been hand feeding him dried worms (shop brought) and water using a cotton pads (drenching the water into his mouth). We have tried to take him out to release him prior to this but nothing happened. This time, we placed him ontop of our shed. Our garden is bird friendly, we have many birds coming in our garden. As we were waiting for something to happen from our kitchen, a magpie came and landed on our garden and it stayed there for a bit. After 2 minutes another magpie flew on the shed, the magpie that was on the grass flew over to the shed and they took the baby magpie too. When they took the baby, I could hear the baby magpie chirping in pain. As his injuries are still, the pain is still present. They took him in a tree that’s next to our garden, every now and then I could hear him chirp. I havnt heard his chirp again. Were they his parents? Is he safe? Or was he attacked/killed? If he was, then why? I’m just concerned but there’s nothing much I can do at this point.

  • I believe magpies are quite territorial and they are rather feisty.  Last year magpies took all the baby blackbirds from a nest in our garden and killed every single one - they came back over 2-3 days to accomplish this and left the dead birds literally outside our back door.  Unfortunately, it seems our experience is not uncommon but nature is as nature does.  However, if you could still hear the young bird that suggests it has survived thus far and you never know how that might turn out Slight smile