Robin nest on my hay bales!

Hi everyone. I’d love some advice please! 

I have a large open fronted barn which we store chopped wood and hay bales in. Today I grabbed the top hay bale off the stack and started walking away to feed the horses. Only to notice a little round nest right on top of the bale with some tiny birds in! 
I immediately replaced the bale and left the nest in peace but snapped a quick photo (below). I went back later to see a robin nesting on it. 
Trouble is, this hay bale is on top of a stack I need to use for feeding the horses. If I move the bale somewhere safe within the barn, will this be ok? 
I won’t touch the nest itself but I really do need to move the bale to access the ones underneath. Very keen to keep the robins happy and safe and obviously don’t want to ‘disturb’ but I do need to use the hay! 

Any advice massively helpful, thanks in advance!