Concern for swan family

Hello, I am concerned for a swan family who live near me. There are 3 cygnets, 3 weeks old. Their mum was killed a few days ago by a dog (suspected) and their dad has a fishing hook stuck in his beak. The RSPCA are aware and are keeping an eye on him but don't seem to be doing anything. I'm absolutely heartbroken about mum, it's just so awful and sad. I wonder if there's anything I can do to help them. I go down to see them every day and feed them. I'm struggling to find reliable advice on what to feed them. I have been giving them dried mealworms as I'd read that this is very good for them but then I just read something else which said that too much protein is dangerous for them. Any advice? Is there anything else I can do to help them? I'm worried Dad's beak might get infected, he is able to move around freely and is feeding

  • Why not let nature take its course? Adult Swans don't actually feed cygnets, they just lead them to viable areas and the cygnets instinctively feed themselves on whatever suits. That way they don't come to expect humans to feed them and become imprinted with following humans around for food like many pond Swans do. You say the RSPCA are going to monitor the male so why not let them do that - or is it that you want them to detain the Cob and remove the hook now - which would also mean capturing all the cygnets to avoid them dispersing - with all the stress that involves to all concerned.

    What is it that you really want to happen?

  • Repeat post. Unlike other birds cygnets aren't reliant for food on parents, so if the worst were to happen with dad, they shouldn't starve. Predation however, would probably be more likely. If the RSPCA are aware it's with the relevant authority 

  • Wow. There's nothing I'd like more than to allow nature to thrive independently from humans but it's humans who've polluted the environment and caused these things to happen to these swans. I want to be able to undo a little of the damage that humans have done. I simply wanted to ask a community of people who also care about nature what is the best thing for me to do. What should I or shouldn't I be feeding them. If the answer to that is to not feed them at all then great, that's why I asked because I don't know and I don't want to accidentally do more harm.