We have a couple of Song Thrushes feeding in our garden but one bird has been killed! Assuming they are a pair, is there any chance if they had babies they will survive with one parent? If the nest is deserted will the thrush come back to breed again with a new pairing ?
Id love advice on creating the perfect habitat to try and keep them . We live next to a farm so there’s lots of shrub, hedging, nesting habitat . I’m hoping to plant some berry bushes and would love to know the type of berries the thrush eats?
Thank you in advance !
Unlikely. Some species are better at it than others. Also unlikely re another breeding attempt. Song thrushes are thin on the ground in many parts of the country, in garden settings. Any that are around are likely paired. From my experience, in the last couple of decades, garden nesting song thrushes invariably fail one way or another. Cats, cars, magpies/jays, and human disturbance are probably the main four.
Re habitat, dense hedging with plenty of undergrowth for foraging. When they are here, they get through a lot of native snails. Unlike other thrushes, song thrushes aren't big on berries from my experience.
Thank you stealthybutnotthatstealthy . Only this evening we had two more song thrush back in the garden!!
It looked like it could be a parent and young bird as one stayed in the hedge while the other picked worms, hopping back and forth feeding the other before flying away! A magical scene as we thought we’d lost them !!
Thank you for the advice on berries. I thought id read somewhere that they enjoyed these, but I’ve been putting out meal worms which they love and we have a pile of snail shells growing everyday .
I it possible the dead bird was a young one, rather than an adult?
I also want to know that it is possible the dead bird was a young one, rather than an adult. I hope I will get a reply soon. I will come back here again. For now, I am gonna visit stateofwriting.com/.../history-writing-service here because over there I found a history writing service and recently my mentor told me to write an essay on USA history. But I don't know much about it and that is why I want to hire an essay writer to help me in writing my essay assignment.