Juvenile blackbird unwell?

Hi, we have had four young blackbirds in the garden. Parents were feeding, but they're all now feeding on their own.

2 have moved on. One still hangs around a lot asking for food. The last is possibly the biggest, but has become very slow with its eyes half closed sometimes.

It doesn't move even if I'm right next to it. It will move away if it's sibling challenges for food. It does not appear injured.

Any ideas what could be the problem? I guess we need to let nature take its course, but I'm just wondering if we should try to give it some breathing space for recovery from whatever ails as neighbours cats frequently here.

Is it possible I've been too generous providing mealworms and it's not got a balance in its diet? Thanks.

  • Hi Stuart, unsure regarding the mealworms, as I do not use them. If is does not appear to be injured and is with the others, I would say, leave well alone, keep away and let nature take it's course. It may be a bit slower than the rest. If I am correct, they will be on the ground for about a week after leaving the nest and then start flying to the trees, etc. Hopefully, that will be soon, and it can be out of cat reach. It may be ill, but again, time will tell. This will bump up your post, and maybe someone else can advise.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks for replying - apologies for delay. RSPB alert email went to spam. That juvenile has not appeared again so has either moved on or something worse happened. We still have one which is around a lot asking for food, but it is spending more time away from the garden and appears to be finding its own food.