Birds eating Habits

Can you please explain why the small birds that visit my garden feeding stations when it RAINS? I have noticed that they tend to come and feed when the rain begins. Yes they do feed at other times but it is noticeable they arrive with the wet weather! Is there a reason this happens? The birds are Goldfinches, Greenfinches, members of the Tit families, and Hedge Sparrows. I do live on the outskirts of a village with open fields overlooking our property. Please help me to understand this behaviour! Thankyou. Graham

  • This is only a guess but I suspect that they feed when it's raining to get necessary fluid along with the food.

    By the way, hedge sparrows are actually dunnocks - they aren't related to sparrows. Beautiful little birds, despite their being brown and grey.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.