Coot with possible broken leg in Gosport, Hampshire.

I recently saw a coot with a possible broken leg (it is stretched out at a very odd angle, pointing backwards away from the body). According to the RSPCA website they don't deal with sick or injured birds so my plan, if possible, is to catch it. I intend to use a net on a stick, place the bird into a bag for life and get it home as quick as possible to be placed in a dark box with food and water. Are vets required by law to treat it? Are there any organisations more suitable to deal with it? Is it the kindest thing to put it through the stress in the first place? Any and all advice/comments are welcome. 

Thank you

  • Please don't attempt to catch this bird as you may cause more harm than good. Many birds can function with one leg. As long as bird is able to feed and escape predation it is best not to interfere. You don't say if the bird was resting or moving around. Coots do sometimes rest with a leg extended behind.

    Cin J