Can anyone explain this crow behavior?

Hi everyone. This is my first time posting as I witnessed something really interesting this week and would be fascinated to know if it is what I think it is. 

I work on a university campus in a large city. There are a lot of green spaces around the campus including near to where I park my car. I've noticed several times over the last couple of weeks a crow that possibly has some developmental problems. I don't think this creature can fly. It also doesn't seem to have any natural wariness around humans and I've seen people feeding it. It's always hopping around the grassy area and I've never seen it in the trees. It's quite small but I'm fairly sure it's an adult as it has all black feathers. 

This week when I was heading back to my car this crow was on the ground 'shouting' at another crow in the tree. I waited a little distance away thinking maybe this other crow was being aggressive with it and ready to try and scare it off (I've become a bit protective over this little crow!) But when I moved away the other crow flew down and fed the small crow. Put food straight into it's mouth as if it was a juvenile. Another crow then landed next to them and the three crows hopped off together. 

So, my question is, would crows care for another crow that they knew was sick or injured or unable to fend for itself? Also, is it possible the two larger crows were my little friend's parents and they are still caring for it until they have other chicks? Has anyone experienced anything like this in crows or other corvids before? Have I massively misunderstood the situation? 

Thanks for reading this far. This really has fascinated me.