Baby Fieldfare

Hey! Im about to take in a baby Fieldfare but I’m unsure of how often I should I feed it? I tried searching it up but nothing came up so I’m a little confused 

here is a pic of what the bird looks like: 

  • do we know its parents weren't around and feeding it? Was it just picked up just because it was sitting all alone (like they always do).?

    It needs a rehab / wildlife centre now as they will know what to do..

  • Yes the person who found it put up a camera to see if the parents were feeding but 3.5 hours later no parent had showed up and 2/4 chicks had died and then the 3rd one was taken by a cat so it was only the one in the pic left and according to law in my country everyone who sees an animal in need is required to help! There are no wildlife center/rehab near us or it’s around 2 hours l away but they are completely full as a lot of wild animals get hurt this time of the season!