Crow mother attacking person

Hi, we live opposite a large park where we walk out tow dogs. Last year our dogs ran up to a crow chick under a tree and nudged the chick, we shouted and pulled them away, they did not hurt the chick at all. We were then chased out of the park by what must have been the mother. The next night my sister walked the dogs on her own and the bird remembered and she was chased out again. Really frightening experience. Tonight my sister has just come back from the park, cutting a walk short because her and the dogs were attacked by two crows, again, a very frightening experience and my sister is quite shaken. We think this is the same crow with another member of its family. It is breeding season again so could this be the same crow that we dealt with last year who remembers my sister and the dogs? Can anyone help here as we are a bit worried about it and my sister is frightened about taking the dogs to the park as they flew down low around the dogs and tried to nip Missy. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Deince