Please Help - advice needed

Hi All,

I'm hoping someone can help. For the last 3 days I had a fledgling Jackdaw trapped in my chimney on top of the header plate of my logburning stove. I couldn't just leave it crying there and so this morning we ripped out the log burner and rescued the bird. It appears to be unharmed and has most of its feathers. Following what advice we could find on the net we have made it a nest and have placed it on top of a hedge so no cats can get to it. We did manage to feed it some mulched dry dog food when we rescued it, but have since left it alone as per the general guidance.

The parents who are nesting in the chimney are circling the fledgling as are a whole pack of jackdaws to protect it, but I've been watching it now for nearly 6 hours from a long distance and although the parents have got close to it, they haven't actually attended to it. All wildlife services are closed for the weekend and I really don't know what else I can do to help this bird.