We have a nest of blue tits but the mother or father hasn’t been to feed them since yesterday morning, what shall I do?

We have a nest of blue tits but the mother or father hasn’t been to feed them since yesterday morning, what shall I do?

  • If you have observed that the mother or father blue tit has not returned to feed their nest of blue tit chicks since yesterday morning, here are a few steps you can take:

    Observe from a distance: Blue tit parents may temporarily stay away from the nest for various reasons, such as foraging for food or avoiding potential predators. It's essential to observe the nest from a distance to see if the parents return within a reasonable timeframe.

    Wait and monitor: Blue tit parents typically feed their chicks at regular intervals. If the absence continues for an extended period or if the chicks appear distressed, it may be necessary to take action. However, keep in mind that parental behavior can vary, and they may return to the nest after longer periods of absence.

    Ensure the nest is undisturbed: It's important to avoid disturbing the nest unnecessarily, as this can deter the parents from returning. Keep human activity around the nest to a minimum and avoid approaching the nest too closely.

    Seek professional advice if necessary: If you notice a prolonged absence of the blue tit parents or if the chicks show signs of distress or weakness, consider contacting a local wildlife rescue organization, bird expert, or veterinarian who can provide guidance and assistance.

    Please remember that interfering with wildlife should be a last resort, as natural parenting behaviors may differ from our expectations. It's crucial to give the parents an opportunity to fulfill their responsibilities, as they are often better equipped to care for their young.