Babies killed by Cat


we’ve had some blue tits nesting in the garden but sadly, a cat attacked the box last night. No sign now of the babies and the house is completely destroyed.

The parents are still flying around with food, I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me how long they’ll keep searching for the babies? It’s heartbreaking.

Also, any advice on cat proofing bird boxes for the future is much appreciated.

Thank you

  • hight - make sure the box is sited well over 6ft - growing something prickerly underneath but also make sure there are no easy climb branches near that the cat from launch from. If it's your own cat limit night time activities - in at dusk and not allowed out until the sun is well up.

    Edit - if the box has been broken apart it might not have been cat - I have seen squirrel break boxes. 

    If looking for a replacement go for something sturdy and you can either reinforce the front with tightly fitted chicken wire or look for woodpecker proof boxes 

    Cin J