Blue tit bird box protection

After many years of being empty, a pair of blue tits have moved into a bird box outside our house. They’re busy building the nest and it’s lovely to watch. It’s high up on the wall but there are a few neighbourhood cats around so I’m concerned that when their chicks hatch and take their first flights, they will be vulnerable. Can anyone suggest anything that would protect them? I’m thinking of putting netting around it so that they won’t land on the ground? Would it disturb them if I messed around too much around the box? The last thing I want is for them to abandon it. 
Thanks in advance. 

  • Hi Jen..sorry nobody has replied. In my opinion it's best to leave well alone....all fledgling are vulnerable when they leave the nest....cats are always gonna be around aswell!! Best to stay as far away from the box as possible because even is humans can scare the birds away and cause them to abandon the nest....not just cats lol...Fingers crossed for a successful nest.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)