Nesting Season Disturbance?

My Housing Association has destroyed a mature bush that was regularly used by Starlings and House Sparrows. They also have ripped out a mature conifer boundary hedge that Blackbirds nest in annualy. This has upset me because they did this during the nesting season. I rang them up before they destroyed the hedge informing them that Blackbirds nest there but when I come home from work they had destroyed it. They said that a search was done by the contractors and they didn't see any nests. My question is..

Can searching a hedge for nests be classed as disturbance? I think the Blackbirds would say yes. But what do you think? They also smashed up my Organic Compost Bin that slow worms use for shelter. Have the Housing Association broken The Wildlife and Countryside Act?

  • Thanks, ItisaRobbo for your reply.

    Difficult to photograph blackbirds entering and leaving nest as they are so quick. Video would be possible but has privacy implications for neighbour below.

    They destroyed my compost bin because it was in the way of their machine brought in to rip out the hedge. I don't trust the contractors not finding a nest because they wanted the hedge destroyed so they can put up the ugly feather edge fence for which they were contracted to do.