
I am a cat mum and she came in last night with a baby bird. It is alive, rather large, and looks to be starting to grow feathers in.  I have no idea what type of bird it is and I am hoping you can help? Apparently she was up in a tree yesterday and was getting dive bombed by a dark bird. Not sure if it’s a crow or raven but then again, I know nothing and google tells you 100 different things. 

i know you’re normally told to put it back in the nest if you can but it is in a very tall tree at the front of the house and I can’t reach it but this is the 2nd one she has managed to get and I can’t face just leaving it outside without any chance of it surviving or have her finding it again.

I took it to my brothers house as he has looked after baby birds before and I am hopefully that it will survive as it was strong last night, moving  well, spreading its little wings about when trying to move and even managed to eat a little. And this morning he has eaten as well. 

Can anyone give some advice as to what species it may be and what we can do to ensure it survives?

sidenote: I know the most obvious thing to prevent it is to keep the cat indoors which I try to do around this time of year as I know the birds are all hatching babies. But I live with my in-laws and there are always kids over leaving the back door open and my partners mum always has the back door and kitchen window open through the day no matter how much I ask them not to so she always managed to get out while I am at work. She also launches herself out the 1st floor windows if she gets the chance when she’s locked in. My cat has a bell on and I am just stuck as to what else I can do to prevent this! 

thank you.