Hi, I saw a Sparrowhawk take an adult House Martin from right by its nest yesterday, and I haven't seen a Martin go in since. There is a fluffy head sticking out of the nest and I think it is a chick with others in there, as they are making a noise when other Martins are around. The nest is about 5 metres off the ground on the side of a house. Any suggestions, would the local RSPB intervene? Thanks.
Add to that it is actually illegal to interfere with a nest without a special licence.
Nature is harsh, and very much hunt and be hunted, and something to take on board, while that house martin became lunch for the sparrowhawk, who will be feeding young as well, so the insects that the house martin was feeding on and feeding its young, will have taken away a food supply for the insect young....
There is a chance that there will have been both house martin parents, so if only the one has been predated, then the other will do its best to continue the feeding program.
I know it seems harsh, but that is nature and the law.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
Wild birds and the law about not disturbing birds
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
I think the important thing here is, Paul, you're engaging in a very positive way and taking the info and advice, which is good to see, rather than going in both feet first, as some do.