Lots of Questions

since starting feeding the birds in my garden about 8 to 9 months ago i have seen all sorts of birds and now very pleased to say i have a family of 3 bullfinch that visit daily with another pair a few times a week, I also have large amounts of tits. My first question is over the time i have been feeding the birds i have had chaffinch both male and female, greenfinch, goldfinch, jay and now recently nuthatch all never to be seen again why ? i don`t understand why any of the finches have never returned as i see them and hear them flying over my garden i also use both nyger and sunflower hearts and like i have said i have plenty of bullfinches visit its very frustrating will i ever get these bird back in my garden. Second question is regarding the tits i have large mixed flocks visit about 20 to 30 birds. They normally visit in the morning and late everning in these large numbers but then suddenly they just go missing for a week. The past few weeks i had 10 long tail tits come to munch on the fat balls now i only have 2 to 4 come what do these birds do when the go missing? my last question is about a sparrowhawk attack. Today i witnessed my 1st sparrowhawk it was amazing and was over in seconds since this attack it has gone very quiet in my garden will the small birds come back to my feeders and will they come back as bold as they have been, recently the tits use the feeders even when i am in the garden right by the feeder pole. With the sparrowhawk what is the chances the bird will return although i dont want to see any of my little birds taken by them i would love to get to see more of them in my garden. Also if anyone has any tips to get any of the finches mentioned to visit regular that would be great and any tips for nuthatch as i had my 1st nuthatch 2 days ago. Look forward to any replies

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 05/09/2010 01:31

    Hi hooky87 and welcome to the RSPB Forum.  Enjoy yourself here.

    The answer to your first question is that your birds have not disappeared they are going through different stages of their moult at the moment - just wait as they will appear soon enough with their new coat of feathers.

    Again with your second question is more to do with the bird moulting time.  LTT's are likely to be more easily observed over some parts of the year over others.  They will be back in your garden soon enough.

    As for your Sparrowhawk - the birds will disappear if the Sparrowhawk makes its presence known but they will come back to your feeders - what bird cannot resist food.

    So, please try not to worry about your birds.  Things change over the seasons and like all wildlife they go through changes like bringing up their families, moulting and trying to take care of themselves through the colder months.  Some migrate for part of the year like Swallows but they will be back soon enough

    Just the changes over the seasons, and all in a birds life


    Kathy and Dave

  • Thanks for the reply Blackbird so when birds moult do they go off there food ?

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 05/09/2010 01:42 in reply to hooky87

    Hi hooky87

    I do not think they go off their food at all.

    They are just a lot more vulnerable to preditors as their flight feathers are not as strong for a while

    They just need to protect themselves for a while

    Just place a lot of bird food around the borders and that will help support them while they are in hiding.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi there


    As Kathy said, its just that time of year.  Apart from the moult and the busy breeding season they've had they are all filling up on the natures larder just now.   they're all filling up on the juicy fruits and seeds available to them at this time of year. and getting into shape again  for the cold season ahead. Look closely at the different coloured droppings just now on windows and cars-  lol,  eeek.   They'll be back,

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Thanks for the replies although i uderstand all the replies and it makes sense for the birds that visit regular i still don`t get why the greenfinch,chaffinch and goldfinch have only visited  once and never returned why i can most days hear the close by and even see them fly over my garden. Why are these birds not coming when i have no problem with the bullfinches. I would love to get other finches visiting regular like the bullfinch and tits. Like i said in my 1st post i have now had a nuthatch what are the best food for these birds?

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 05/09/2010 15:41 in reply to hooky87

    Hi hooky87

    We lack Greenfinches and Chaffinches here too....sadly!  The best way to attract Goldfinches is to have a feeder of Nyjer seed on the all of the time.  Sooner or later they will find it and once they do you will see the feeders and come back for more, and you will see them everyday.

    You are so lucky to have Bullfinches - that would be just the best thing to see.

    Nuthatches eat a variety of food such as insects, seeds and nuts - they will love your peanut feeders for one!

    Try not to worry about your birds - they will appear once more, and during the colder weather you will see them all of the time.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi hooky87

    I have a similar problem.Some birds I have seen only once in my garden but see regularly just down the road.

    At present I have virtually nothing at all ,3 woodpigeons and a pair of collared doves and thats about it!

    I am hoping that my birds come back soon.

    (Bullfinches!!!-so jealous!!!)


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Hi Kathy and Dave,

    I have been following your posts with interest as I too have a 'quiet' garden at the moment and just recently a Sparrowhawk attack!! I had a family of 8 Goldfinches, many many sparrows, blackbirds, starlings, dunnocks visit recently but as soon as the Sparrowhawk paid a visit, they all seemed to vanish :o(   I had not thought about the berries on the nearby trees though - plenty there to keep them going!!

    I will just have to persevere.....keep putting out the food and hope and pray they will return once more.....I do love to see them!!

    Regards to you


    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 06/09/2010 19:51 in reply to twitteryenot

    Hi Nola

    Thank you for your kind remarks about my threads/posts

    Sparrowhawks will empty a garden of birds faster than the speed of light.  They are a bit like arch enemy number one.   No bird want to be near them at all - they smell blood, and they are wise to keep out of the way as much as they can.

    I have seen two Sparrowhawk attacks - the first one was a Sparrowhawk diving into our Privet Hedge to flush out the resident Sparrows, and the Sprawk chased one over the rof of our house never to be seen again.  

    The second one had caught what I believe to be a Dunnock, and it was being eaten in front of my eyes in our garden area.

    Nature can be very dramatic at times, and sad too!

    Just keep us informed about your bird colonies, and how they progress anytime here.  I would love to hear all about it.


    Kathy and Dave


  • Hi, l moved to my present home since last September. So it was a totally different location. I am so pleased with the amount of birds myself and my neighbour have attracted here. We have Bullfinch (2 male & 5 female so far) continually growing. Chaffinch x3 (male), Goldfinch x15 ( both male & female & new baby ones), Greenfinch x6, Sparrows so many, Bluetits x 5, Coaltit x3, Great Tit x 5. I can honestly say it’s such a pleasure to watch them all coming every day. Our feeders are constantly extremely busy. I love it & so does my neighbour. We have found the perfect cages to go over our tube feeder’s that Starling can’t get anything so it all goes to the little birds. I do not like Starling’s they are not a pleasure to watch. The Cages are by RSPB.  Also around my area someone feeds Jackdaws quite a large amount of them & they are horrendous in the morning early what a racket they make Confounded The same person is also feeding Seagulls SmirkConfounded which is so infuriating as they poo everywhere. When l moved here there were no seagulls as we are not on the coast however with the person feeding them, they are coming in at least 12-15 or more. Absolute madness!!!!! I don’t understand people who do that SmirkConfoundedRage It’s Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria.