Starlings missing from garden

I do the BTO garden bird count and over the last 3 weeks I have only counted one starling visiting my garden.  The numbers have decreased in past years over these weeks but not to this level.  I have seen some small flocks flying over and seen them on farmland now that the harvesting is underway.  Could this be an indication of a possible population problem.  I had seen very large flocks of adults an juvs earlier in the year and larger than normal numbers had visited the garden.  Has anyone else seen a drop in numbers visiting their gardens?

I'm always look forward to seeing the wonderful green of the leaf buds coming into life you don't see any other time of year and the first swallow around the 15th April.  Spring, Spring Spring.

  • Hi birding barbara

    I usually have loads of starlings but none at the moment,they are probably out in the countryside somewhere and I am expecting their imminent return.

    I think starlings must have certain areas they like as it seems to me that you either have them or you don't.

    My sister,my friend and my dad say they never see a starling and yet others on these forums seem to have to many!!

    If I was doing a bird count I would have to put down 0 this week but a couple of months ago it would have been 40 at least.

    I think if you just sit tight they will be back!


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Hi Rachel,

    I hope your right and the starlings have just gone to more natural feeding grounds but I find it strange that I have seen flocks in their hundreds on the golf course I play at in June and July, 30 and 40 in my garden and then just the odd one or two in August.  My rowan trees are drooping with berries they normally deour in a couple of weeks.  As you say, maybe the wet weather and late harvests have caused the birds to move areas to find the food they need.  My bird bath has been only used by the magpies, I normally have to fill it back up every day after the starlings have emptied it bathing.  I do seem to have had more of the tit families this August so you loose some and gain others.

    Thanks for the reply


    I'm always look forward to seeing the wonderful green of the leaf buds coming into life you don't see any other time of year and the first swallow around the 15th April.  Spring, Spring Spring.

  • I live in Kerridge, Macclesfield,.Cheshire. For over 8 years now I had a very large flock of starlings  that came every year to my garden every day. They were doing really well having many chicks every year and the flock was increasing yearly in size, that was until this year  and now I am very worried because this year the whole flock is missing, I have not seen any of them at all not even one of them , I am very worried about what could have happened to them.  I am trying to find out what could have happened to them  and if anyone else has noticed the same thing.. Please could you  contact me if you have any ideas as to whati s happening or if anyone else has experienced anything similar. I am really worried that something serious could be happening to them. Thanknyou so much for any help or information that you ca  send to me. Kind reguards, Yours sincerely  Michelle Wyatt

  • Hi Michelle, I think the first thing to consider is whether there has been any major building works near you such as a new housing estate or factories that could have robbed birds of nesting/feeding areas?


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  • I live in hertfordshire. When I did the big garden birdwatch I was upset at the lack of starlings as previous years I have had so many. However, the past week they have returned in masses!! Collecting the mealworms I put out so hopefully will bring their fledglings soon!! Fingers crossed they return to you too!!