Starling Behasviour

Has anyone noticed starlings which appear to be feeding on the wing? From my garden in Dunstable in Bedfordshire I can see starlings wheeling around the sky, sometimes short glides and sometimes rapid wing flaps and turns. At that point they seem to have caught a flying insect. This behaviour is common to a whole group of local starlings.

  • Yes, John, I've seen them doing that over my garden too. I guess with this warm weather and high pressure there's plenty of insects rising up high. At other times of the year I've seen gulls (probably Black-headed) doing the same thing. Birds never miss out on an opportunity for a meal.



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  • I have been sitting in my garden in Somerset watching the same thing. At first I thought martins but they were too big and too clumsy. On closer inspection I realised they are starlings.
  • Pebburfoot said:
    I have been sitting in my garden in Somerset watching the same thing. At first I thought martins but they were too big and too clumsy. On closer inspection I realised they are starlings.

    Hello and welcome to the forum Pebburfoot, from the West Midlands.

    You may not be aware this thread is two years old, however, it is good to see that you are enjoying the delights of starlings, and no doubt among many other species.

  • Yes I know it’s two years old. I was interested to know whether what I have been seeing was normal behavior and when I asked the question this thread popped up, so yes, question answered.
    As for seeing other species, sadly less and less it seems, but those that remain are still a joy.