Dawn Chorus

Hello all - have just joined the RSPB today - be prepared for some questions!  But the first one is just about the dawn chorus - there seems to be more people willing to get up early and go out to a quiet place to hear this - I would love to do it too, but is the dawn chorus something that only occurs in early spring - if so, what makes it cease?  I usually get up about 4am to get ready to go to work, and I hear birdsong - but is it the dawn chorus?


  • Hi Barry

    Welcome to the forums.

    I believe that the dawn chorus is just that a chorus of birds all singing as dawn breaks. It happens all year round here.

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Barry,

    Woodpecker is right- I think most people call the "dawn chorus" the birds singing in the morning, as dawn breaks! You're lucky to hear it every day, it's very beautiful, especially when you learn more about the birds and can pick each one out from the melee! :) I'm still learning that myself, and I love trying to work out which is which (especially helps if you happen to see one sing!)

    It may be slightly better in spring due to courtship songs as well as the normal song- this would cease once the birds have found their partners, but due to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th broods does not have a definitive finish!

    Hope this helps :)

    "Watch with glittering eyes the world around you, because the best secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

  • Hi Barry, welcome to the forums.

    Barry D said:
    I would love to do it too, but is the dawn chorus something that only occurs in early spring - if so, what makes it cease? 

    The dawn chorus is most noticeable in spring, when the birds are either defending a breeding territory or trying to attract a mate. In the UK the Dawn Chorus begins in March but reaches its peak in May.

    Researchers have found that a song during the Dawn Chorus is up to 20 times more effective than singing at midday. Birds mainly sing at dawn because the air is usually still which means the sound transmission is better. Additionally birds can do little else but sing at dawn. The light is sometimes poor and insects are dormant so searching for food is more difficult.

    Generally only male passerines – or songbirds - sing and in order to attract a mate he has to obtain and defend a territory.

    Also in a given location, it is common for different species to do their dawn singing at different times. The birds that you are likely to hear are:

    Blackbird, Wren, Robin, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Songthrush, Mistlethrush, Tawny Owl, Dunnock again relating to where you live they will be numerous others joining in.

    At other times of the year there is not what I would personally call a dawn chorus, as a lot of the songsters migrate to warmer climates and the breeding season has finished so there is no need to defend territories or attract a mate.

    In relation to when a Dawn Chorus starts, is depending on where you live. Some birds can sing throughout the day and night, Robins and Blackbirds in particular will sing all night long if there is a lot of artificial lights.

    As the season moves on, the Dawn Chorus can start as early as 02.30 - 03.00am.

    Unforunately you have missed the international Dawn Chorus Day which was on the 2nd of May, make a note for next year!  I'm sure there will be guided walks in your local area.

    Hope this helps.

    Regards Buzzard


    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Hi Barry, and welcome from me. Ask away, the more questions the better, and I hope you enjoy being here.

    Our bedroom goes from the back to the front of the house, and if we leave a window open at each end I can lie in bed and listen to the dawn chorus without getting up!

    We also have what we call a Twighlight Chorus here, and it is just as tuneful as the early morning one. It starts just before dusk with the blackbirds, then the rest join in.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • A warm welcome to the forums, if you are like me you will learn something new everyday.
    The most annoying dawn chorus we have is our neighbours white doves. Every morning around 3am I have to gt up and close the window. They are so close it's like the trumpets at The W***d Cup. Sorry for swearing (LOL). The other birdsong is so beautiful, the tits wrens,chaffies,blackbirds and songthrush.

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain