I have just been out to water my back garden and while i was doing it i knocked the old coconut birdhousei have and a robin flew out.
I looked inside and there are 3 eggs in it.
As i have never had birds nest in my garden before i'm not sure what i should or should'nt do
Can someone please give me some advice
Hi Ange
When you say 'knocked' the birdhouse do you mean you damaged it, or not?
If it's okay then the best advice is ----do nothing! Just let the robin bring up its family in peace. Keep watching from a distance and enjoy seeing the baby robins fledge.
Hi Pipit
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly,
I only nudged the birdhouse and the robin flew out, i was worried that i had scared her away,
but she has come back, thank goodness.
I am amazed that she made a nest so close to the house,
Can you tell me how long before the eggs hatch, my neighbour has cats and i want to make sure that they cant get anywhere near the eggs.
Regards Ange
Yes, it takes a lot to frighten off a nesting bird. Human interference is one of them though so I'm glad I may have stopped you 'messing' with the nest lol.
The eggs will take about 2 weeks to hatch. It sounds like the nest is hidden in the birdhouse which is good, but if the entrance is very visible, best advice (mentioned on this forum before) is to put a high plant in front of the box to obscure it from predators. And yes, do try to keep the cats from finding it too.
You have a journey ahead of you, I have to say. Many eggs and nestlings get taken by predators, eg magpies, If they find the nest and one or both parents could be killed (by cats etc). You must be prepared to lose them. Do not interfere whatever happens though. It would be great if you post a record on this forum of how they are getting on. We are here to share it with you, good news or bad!
Good luck, and do keep asking questions if you need to.
Pipit x
Hi ange
I would just enjoy the fact that a robin is bringing up a family in your old coconut birdhouse, and not disturb it. Enjoy watching what happens from a safe distance and keep your fingers crossed that all goes well.
Good Luck
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Well put Chris.
Sorry ange if I sounded a bit gloomy!! We look forward to hearing they all fledged successfully
Thats ok, , Thank you for all the good advice,
My mum bought me the birdhouse so i phoned her to let her know, you'd think she was going to be a gran again, she gets sooo excited when things like this happen,
Hi Chris
I have everything crossed.
I have a nice camera so i will try and take a few pics without getting to close.