We have been watching a pair of breeding swans, which have recently moved close to us. The female has been on her nest for over two months now. We have seen inside the nest, when she has been fixing it, and inside was one egg, which looked mishapen and beaten.
She is getting very unweight and withdrawn. Should we contact someone to remove the egg, or will nature just run its course?
We have grown very fond of the pair, so will be very upset if she refuses to leave the nest and dies.
Hope someone can advise....
If the situation is so bad, I would ring the RSPCA and explain what you are seeing. They will probably come out to have a look.
Hi and welcome to the fourms.
Brenda has given the best Advice that you can get. If she isstill not eating or moving from the nest within the next couple of days phone the RSPCA and they will get someone out to have a look at whats happening.
We have much the same problem here with a young swan here who has taken some plastic bottles she has found and built a nest round them on a small Island in the river.
We got in contact with the SSPCA and they came out and had a look . But said there was nothing they could do she was just being brood and that she will wander off in a few days.
I hope you get better results.
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!