Blue tit, nesting or not?

Hi all and sorry for my 4 week absence. Today I switched on my nest cam for the first time in about 2 weeks and I noticed some droppings, I was VERY excited! And I switched it on to find a blue tit roosting! I was amazed as I thought it was sparrows at first! I have not seen a mate?

Could it just be roosting or could it build a late nest, baring in mind there are lots of poo's, meaning that (s)he has been in the box alot.

Thanks, Coal ;-D


P.S: Photos coming soon!

Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Hi Coal,

    If there is no sign of a nest in the box then it looks like you have a rooster using the box as a comfortable bachelor pad I'm afraid.  I have one exactly the same. He roosted in it all winter, then disappeared for a few weeks and is now back again, sleeping in a box full of poo!!!!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Hi Sparrow,

    This is my first year with a nest cam and I am delighted to have a rooster anyway! Mine sleeps at the back, away from the many droppings at the front! This morning I got up at about 8:45, went downstairs, switched it on and he had gone! Probably off into the big wide world for the day.


    Coal ;-D

    Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Hi Coal,

    You will have to get up before 4am to catch him!!! As soon as dawn arrives, the birds are off, singing their hearts out. The early bird catches the worm!!!

    I took lots of videos of my rooster during the cold spell before the breeding season. It was wonderful to watch him arrive home for the night, have a wash and brush up, fluff up all his feathers to keep him warm, check the hole to make sure all was safe outside, then tuck his head in and go to sleep. I would have loved a nest, but it wasn't to be, and at least he has come back again  to his old pad now his chicks have flown the nest, wherever that might have been!!!

    Better luck next year with the box. I would leave it as it is until October, then take it down and give it a good clean before putting it back up again.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr