Hello newbi here, There is a blackbird nesting in next doors holy bush and their cat as had a few goes at getting to the nest. If the underside was netted would the blackbird still be able to get to the nest. Any ideas please, other than shooting the cat.
Hi Tipton,
We've got a couple of ultra-sonic cat deterrents in our garden. It's a humane electronic device that is triggered by movement and lets off an uncomfortable sound off-putting to cats. Humans can't hear the sound and it's not harmful to wildlife. It seems to work in our garden ...the cats visit but seem to be only going to the areas where we haven't set up the devices. There are all sorts available on the market of varying costs. I'm not going to endorse any particular type here!
Your neighbours permitting - methods apparantly repellent to cats you could try are placing citrus peel ( orange or lemon peel) , coffee grounds, cayenne pepper or clippings of thorny plants (but not from the Holly bush the birds are nesting in!) under the Holly bush.
I'm not sure about a net as it could potentially trap the fledglings when they plop out of the bush.
Hope this helps,
Hello Ange, Thank you for the ideas, i think that my neighbours will take up some of the items that you have suggested. They love the birds and would hate it if any harm came to them. All the best, Tipton
Pleasure to help!
Hi Tipton and welcome to the forum.
Many people find a good water pistol is the best cat deterrent. Harmless but cats hate them.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hello Sparrow,
Thank you for your reply,that should get the cat out of the holly bush. Yesterday it was the blackbirds turn for some revenge. they were dive bombing the cat and it ran hell for leather back into the house, it was great to see. All the best,Tipton.
Nice one, blackbirds!!!!
They must be related to my Blackbirds! They do that too. Nice one!