Hello everyone.
At my workplace we have a young owl trapped inside one of our hangars. We can see and hear the distressed mother outside. Now considering that this facilty is a massive aircraft hanger and thus we are unable to throw a blanket over it; how do we help get this young one out to see mummy?
Any hints appreciated.
Hi TK!
As long as it is always open, I'm pretty sure the owlet will find his own way out as he will get hungry. I would keep human activity around there to a minimum if at all possible... Let us know what happens!!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
There is the problem. It is a storage facility and the doors are mostly kept locked; plus it is a hotbed of activity with forklifts and cherrypickers all around. On the bright side it has a very high roof.
The owlet is flying from window to window peering out - poor thing.
As long as you leave access the adult and Owlet will be able to do the rest. If the nearest access point can be used as little as poss but left open that will help.
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Unknown said:The owlet is flying from window to window peering out - poor thing.
It is obvious in know but, do these windows open?
Unfortunately not. We are going to open the hangar doors wide for an hour this afternoon and as you suggest, hope nature will do the rest.
Wonder if you should contact RSPCA,your cherry pickers and them with a net may be the best bet as it will probably always try and go upwards.
Hi All,
Thanks for the help. We opened the doors and after 30 minutes Mummy Owl came to the front and called him out. He swooped and swirled and then went outside.
Woo - happy ending!
Much appreciated.
That's great news Tim!! Thanks for keeping us updated!!
Cool! A happy ending.