
Please  can anyone tell me where all the sparrows have gone .This time last year they had to que up to get to my feeders NOT THIS YEAR ???? please help?

  • Hello tamurman

    I don't know if anyone has the answer unfortunately. I had a flock of sparrows visiting years ago but now only see one or two if I am lucky.

    Many people on these boards do have large flocks of sparrows so they will obviously be more helpful with regard to feeding etc.

    I believe the numbers of sparrows in Britain are falling every year. ( If I am incorrect on this I would be grateful for a correction). I know the RSPB monitors bird populations.

    The types of birds I get in my garden varies over time. I used to get large flocks of greenfinch but now these seemed to have been replaced with goldfinches!

    Hopefully one of the lucky members with sparrows visiting their garden will be along shortly to help you further.

    Kind regards


    Kind regards Jane.

  • Maybe they're just not doing so well in your area this year? I have a lot visiting my feeders - especially the suet balls which they seem to love!

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 01/06/2010 12:03 in reply to somethingofadreamer

    Hello Tamurman, and welcome to the RSPB Forum

    I have quite a large group of Sparrows here at the moment, and I have to say they do love suet in all forms.

    Once they know where our window feeder was in our case they remained vigilant when the food appeared at a certain point of the day.  They appeared at the top of their favourite bush to observe the situation and remained there until I went back into the house.  Once I was out of view they came down and enjoyed the feast.

    I found that they are very slow to pick up knowledge of being fed by people - unlike other birds who are on the scene very quickly - they tend to be the least dominant of garden birds.

    Hopefully Sparrows will be in your area and pay you a visit in the near future.


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Tamurman

    I am in the opposite situation to you in that this year I have for the first time a large influx of sparrows.

    They are on the feeders most of the day and they are great to watch.

    I think that there must be population shifts over the years.My Mum used to get them till someone cut down a large hedge and now she gets none whereas the 8 year old estate where I live now has more mature shrubs and trees and the population has increased.So it could be something as simple as a favourite hedge or bush that has been removed and the sparrows have moved on.


    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.


    madpenguin said:

    Hi Tamurman

    I am in the opposite situation to you in that this year I have for the first time a large influx of sparrows.

    They are on the feeders most of the day and they are great to watch.

    I think that there must be population shifts over the years.My Mum used to get them till someone cut down a large hedge and now she gets none whereas the 8 year old estate where I live now has more mature shrubs and trees and the population has increased.So it could be something as simple as a favourite hedge or bush that has been removed and the sparrows have moved on.
