In the nesting box with a camera I have avidly watched Mummy blue tit make the nest , lay 6 eggs one by one ,all hatched successfully. Mummy blue tit [Daddy somewhere on the fringes] have fed these fledglings for the last 4 days. Yesterday only 3 chicks were alive and I have just witnessed Mummy BT pecking away at dead chicks.It looks like she is eating them then she drags them out of the nesting box.
Now she has none and I am very sad. Does anybody have any idea what might have caused the chicks to die and, is she eating them?
Note: Mummy BT does not seem as traumatised as I am she is nestled down in her nest presumably about to start over......
chicks can get sick, or can die if they don't get enough food; the adults tend to feed the noisiest most persistent first . Removing the dead chicks is hygienic.
Sadly, as Tony Soper once said ; If every blue tit egg hatched and made it to adult, there wouldnt be room on planet earth for the rest of us...
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Tony Soper!!! Now theres a name I havent heard off in years lol
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!