
My small country neighbourhood have been adopted by a Peacock and Hen.  As beautiful as they are they are becoming a real nuisance.  Eating all the vegetables and the Peacock calling by the minute from 4.00am till dusk.  Anyone have any suggestions.  No one locally is owning up to owning them

  • Unfortunately, peacocks frequently go wandering from the garden of their owner. Most of these birds are adolescent males, who leave in search of greener pastures, but peacocks of either sex and any age will sometimes go astray. The main problem is that peacock’s wings cannot be clipped, since it must be able to fly to roost in a tree, safe from ground predators.

    Peacocks are fully hardy in this country, and since a large part of their diet contains grass and other plant matter, there is no need to worry about their survival. Peacocks are remarkably streetwise birds, and reports of peacocks predated or run over are extremely rare.

    If you do not want a peacock to stay - it is best to do nothing to encourage it, and definitely not give it any food. If the bird gets shooed off, it will in most cases soon get the message that it is not welcome and move on elsewhere or go back home. The birds are ultimately the owner’s responsibility, but it can often be difficult or impossible to find out where the bird has come from.