Why do Oystercatchers use a kind of reversing alarm single note call when flying?
Hi They are known in some parts of Scotland as 'Cleep' which sound s like their call. Normal behaviour I suppose.
That is exactly the sound they make and they all seem to make the same sound whether in pairs, groups or on their own. In groups they even seem to take turns making the cleep sound as they fly by our office window, usually heading up stream on the river. We are near an estuary so get a lot of sea birds but these are very distinct.
Oystercatchers really are noisy birds. I reckon they are taking turns looking out for each other. The more pairs of eyes watching out for danger, the quicker it is spotted
They are real bonnie birds too . I have a couple of them rooting for worms in the back garden here most days.
And Im a good 2 miles from the sea but they are nesting on the flat roofs of one of the Uni buildings again this year.
They are great to see.
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
It will be lovely to see oyster catchers again. I've been away from the sea for too long! I'm off to see my daughter and her brood on the south coast and hopefully i'll get to do some birding.
Sounds great Linda
I hope you have a great time :)