Hi all
I have been following the antics of a regular visit to my garden, the bird bath and water feature of a wood pigeon.
He, or she, has been gathering twigs, which I assumed are for a nest, but, instead of taking them off to the nest, he seems to be wandering around with the twig and finally drops it into the bird bath or water feature. This morning, the bird ended up sitting in the bath on top of some of the twigs that he has put in there.
Has anyone any idea what is going on here? Most odd!
Those that learn, shall teach and those that teach, shall learn
Hi Stokkers,
what an odd thing for that woodpigeon to be doing!
I too assume it must be nest building - although why in the bird bath/water feature I'll never know. Especially since I'm guessing they're in the open!
I'm curious about this one, keep us posted!