Blackbird Nest

Hi all posted on the 19th about a blackbird building a nest in our privet cuttings in the middle of our drive well, she stopped building and was gone for almost a day, we thought it was a dummy nest and that she had one in our back hedge instead anyway, Saturday I went to look at the  nest and there were eggs ,not sure how many but she came back and has stayed there ever since, only leaving once we thought she was'nt coming back but she did. We think theirs a male but he seems to be on guard on next doors roof, but this morning we think they have swapped over.  How long do they take to hatch and then fly away we are a bit like expectant parents, if I can get close enough with my rubbish camera I will take a picture. 

  • Hello Mrs Noah

    Blackbirds are certainly busy at the moment and often have 2-3 lots of young, so pretty exhausting for them.  Once the female has laid all her eggs - about 4-5, then she will sit on them for 13-14 days.  The young are fed by both parents and they leave the nest after another 2 weeks.  Do be aware that they are not really able to fly so will be on the ground, usually hidden away, but still being fed by the adults until they can fly and gradually become independent.  Do hope all goes well - it's fascinating and a privilege to have them nesting nearby.

    Watch out for swifts