Squirrels eating eggs/fleglings

A friend has just surprised me by saying that squirrels are a pest in the garden as they take eggs and fledglings.  I was completely unaware of this.  I've checked the RSPB site which says they occasionally do this.  We have squirrels and lots of birds in our garden and love them all.  Are the squirrels a real threat to nesting birds?  Also, our friend has told us that long-tailed tits nest in his garden and that their eggs were taken - their nest had a big hole at the back.  Is this really the squirrels? 

  • Hi taggle think they do much more damage than anyone says,almost certain to be the culprits in this case I  think.For some reason think the RSPB play down the damage they do but lots of people me included would like to get rid of them and let the Red Squirrel colonise the whole country.

  • The Grey will take what ever it can at this time of year so eggs and young are high on there list plenty proten.

    Its all part of nature.

    Im another one that would like to see Greys Gone from the UK but I dont think thats goin to happen which is sad for our own Reds (Which will also take eggs and young when they can).

    Greys are real smart and will take what they can get where they can get it Thats what has made them  run amouk in the UK.

    Dont get me wrong I think they are amasing beasties and I do love to watch them. But if it was a choice between Reds and Greys I take the reds every time.



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • I'm sorry to hear that but agree that it is nature.  I still love the Greys and am not convinced that the Reds could be re-established in the south-west of Scotland.  I certainly wouldn't kill off the Greys to enable it.

    However, what about the hole in the back of the nest - was that a squirrel or more likely to be a magpie, jay or some other bird?  I remember seeing something similar in Spring Watch and it was a bird that had robbed the nest.

