Bird pellets / castings

Hi every one.

I found a regurgitated Pellet on my lawn (Ha Ha, Lawn he calls it!!) it's 22mm long by 10mm wide and looks to contain most mostly beetles.

I am woundering what bird would have produced it.

 Link to picture -


  • Hi Reg

    Couldn't open the link unfortunately, but amongst the birds that would eat beetles and regurgitate a pellet made of their remains, you could count most of the crow species or perhaps little owl. Based on the size of the pellet and location I'd favour something like a jackdaw or magpie. Do you have sheep pastures nearby where they could have been feeding?

    Interestingly, while raptors and owls are well known pellet-producers, most birds will produce pellets, even the smaller 'garden' birds. It's just that these are so small and dry and friable that they break up and become part of the soil almost straight away, and of course the small birds tend not to produce mounds of pellets in the same roost site every day, as the predatory birds often do.

    The pellets of gulls that have been feeding on small crabs or shellfish along the coast can often be found on beaches - and have to be smelt to be believed. Whew!


  • Very interesting reply there Colin! Thank you!

    Can see the photo Reg, and it's a great one! At first, (before seeing it) I wondered if it could be hedgehog poo as the ones in my garden have beetle cases in like it, but seeing the photo, it certainly looks regurgitated!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

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  • Thanks for the for the replys guys.

    It answers my question perfectly, thanks.

    We don't have any sheep pastures any where near us, but we do have a very bold magpie who is in and out of the garden all day.