As there is so much expertise out there, may I ask a question that has been puzzling me for ages?
We have a resident wren in our garden which has given us much joy and tears over the last 5 years (see my post about all 6 babies being taken by ? magpies)
Do wrens build several nests? Our wren can be seen building at least 4 nests around the garden, but only one ever seems to get used by the female. Is this usual behaviour?
As far as I'm aware you are spot on.
The male makes 'NESTS', then the desired female comes along, visits the nests, chooses her preffered + then lays; when they have done the deed :-)) !!
They are short lived + big brooded wee birdies + at this time of year v noisy.
Arent they wonderful wee birds to have around our gardens?
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
Its mind blowing that such a loud song can come from such a wee bird. They realy are amasing.
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Thanks Osprey, that explains it.
Yes AL, the noise coming from such tiny little birds is fantastic. They are lovely little things and so feisty.
Aye Pipit
I was watching 3 wrens havin a good old bar fight in and around the bushes down by the river on Saturday .. It went on for about 20 minutes.
Real wee scrapers so they are.