Bird Photography!

Hi all,

I have decided I am going to start bird photography in my spare time. I am going to ask my Dad if I can borrow his ( Probably Ancient ) camera! I was wondering if anyone has any tips and could show me some of their favourite piccies. ( I know that sparrow has quite a collection ) LOL!


Best Wishes, Coal ;)

Birding , Birding, Birding !



    my old buddy Dave Tipling did a book for the RSPB on digital wildlife photography- got to be worth a look :)



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Thanks Seymour Wil Deffo Take a look at that ;)



    Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Hi coal,

    Photography is mostly about trial and error to begin with and birds make such a fab subject that even bad pictures can tell a story or look interesting.  They are always useful to check identification and if you practise lots as Sparrow has been doing you will be amazed at how quickly you will improve.  I am afraid i'm still on auto settings on my cameras, but even so you can get lucky.  This is one of my favourite pictures, but more for the pose that quality of the shot and it was taken through a window.

    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 09/05/2010 05:45 in reply to bramble67

    Hi Coal

    I too have just started to photograph birds with my new camera.

    This is my favourite shot so far. A lovely little goldfinch.


  • Hi

    I am no expert about photographing birds, but some advice about wildlife generally - patience and more patience. Also getting up very early in the morning on a good day to get the best possible light. It is about the subject but also just as much about the composition and light, which makes an ordinary picture into an extraordinary one.

    Then you need a bucket full of luck to be in the right place. Also make sure you are not too conspicuous. Birds will eventually trust your presence to some extent - if you are feeding them, but that is only in your garden.

    Most of all enjoy the experience. These days with digital cameras you can click away forever and delete what you don't like, then play with Photoshop etc to make it even better. So have fun. :  ) Oh a tripod helps a lot too !


    Regards Flowerpot

    Living the dream.

  • Hi Sarah

    Just had to say that is such an excellent photo!

    Hi Coal,

    Good luck with your Dad's camera, look foward to seeing your photos soon!

  • Tips ya want ok here goes...


     Firstly... Set up a few feeders in ya garden and feed ya birds.... 99% of my pictures are shot from my hides in my garden... With birds patent is needed... its no good  setting up feeders and running about likey a eejut at the first sign of a bird... take time to study them and watch they well show ya when, where and what ya'll see in your garden... Set  your feeders near to a kitchen window if possable...somewhere you can sit and watch in comfly...

    In ya feeders ensure there is a good mixer of food peanuts, sunflower, seed fat balls etc etc... also dont forget a bird bath  as this will also sever as a place to drink... see what visits and try notice the time of your visits... in time a patten will be seen.. ya may have a woodpecker visiting first thing in morn and last at night... or it could be that a family of long-tailed tits sweeps though at 2pm in the afternoon... if ya around and notice ya can plan for them...

    Regards Photography and i dont know what gear ya go but the closer ya are the better the pics you'll get so thats why i say put feeders near to window if shooting from house.. again if shooting from behind glass be aware of reflections so get as close to glass as ya can...  and if useing a DSSLR digital camera focus on the eye get that sharp and the rest should be spot on.....

    See my gallery here for some wildlife photography but i am also in FLICKR where you'll find a better collection i'll post a link here which hopfuly will take you to me gallery where you can look and comment if you which........ if i am able to Assist further please feel free to ask.......

    Here is the link to my flickr photosteam


    dont just look enjoy and leave for others to share after you. we dont own the earth we just rent a small part of it....

  • Hi Coal,

    Yes, I have lots of photos of my garden birds, but this is because I am very new to it all and am practising all the time. If there are no birds in the garden I take shots of anything else for the practice - empty feeders, weather vein, clothes line, next door neighbour's apple tree, the shed. I use different settings on the camera and experiment. It is all practice, trial and error

    Virtually all my photos are taken from an upstairs window, sometimes open and sometimes closed, because I can see the whole garden from up there and am able to spot when there is something interesting without disturbing the birds - they have no idea I'm up there. Now the weather has improved a bit I am taking more outside. I sit quietly and wait. I also take my camera with me when we go walking, just in case, but that isn't easy with a large dog in tow!!

    Many of the photos you see on this website are taken by people who have been doing it for years and have top of the range camera equipment, but equally a lot of us are just starting. I have a long way to go. I haven't even got a tripod!!

    Good luck, and don't forget to post some of your pics on the forum.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thankyou sparrow and will most Definately post my photos on here!


     Regards, Sam

    Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Sarah

    Just had to say that is such an excellent photo!

    Hi Coal,

    Good luck with your Dad's camera, look foward to seeing your photos soon!

    Thanks kezmo

    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...