Hi all,
I have decided I am going to start bird photography in my spare time. I am going to ask my Dad if I can borrow his ( Probably Ancient ) camera! I was wondering if anyone has any tips and could show me some of their favourite piccies. ( I know that sparrow has quite a collection ) LOL!
Best Wishes, Coal ;)
Birding , Birding, Birding !
Oooooeeeerrrrrr have read those helpful sites.
BUT does anyone else have the problem with a digital camera that the picture is taken half a second or so after youve pressed the button???
I've been having a go with MDH's canon Powershot A620. My parents and brother all have canons digital but diff models and they all have this problem??
I didn't get to be stupid by being blonde, I was stupid enough to pay to be blonde!!!
Bird photography is a wonderful hobby,and you will have lots of fun! It does not matter what camera you have you just need lots of practice and loads of patience!! I've been doing it for a couple of years now and I love it as I'm sure you will too.
Good Luck!
It certainly takes a great deal of patience and understanding! I only have the patience when I'm at home though, not if I'm out walking.
The technical side of photography did stump me I must be honest, I've read books, websites and in the end done a course with the Open University too.
One book, which I recommend is Photographing Garden Wildlife, I know after I mentioned it before a few members have bought it. It is useful and fits in with what most of us here want to do - photograph our garden birds to show them off!
I have a Canon 400D that I've had 3 years now and bought a 400mm lens for it in december. I'll admit, I'm not expert but I've increased my knowledge over the last 12 months. I couldn't begin to explain ISO's and apertures to you, but in the back of my mind I know what they are :o)
Practice is the key, trust me!
Those blooming gremlins! Can see very few pics in this thread! Will come back later...
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Hi Lyndsey,
I have a Canon Ixus which has the same 'problem'.....
I think it is called 'Shutter Lag' and is common on most low-spec cameras. It doesn't happen to the high-spec cameras, DSLRs. It certainly is a nuisance but you have to practice to time your 'click' :)
Here's are a few possible helpful links for your particular model:
Sounds like you have a pretty good camera there!
Best wishes, Graham
My Blog!
My Flickr!
Lyndseypops said: Oooooeeeerrrrrr have read those helpful sites. BUT does anyone else have the problem with a digital camera that the picture is taken half a second or so after youve pressed the button??? I've been having a go with MDH's canon Powershot A620. My parents and brother all have canons digital but diff models and they all have this problem?? Lyndsey
Hi- with digital cameras ( especially if digi-scoping) you need to take lots of pics- set the multi pic / motor wind feature if it helps :)
For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides, binoculars, scopes, tripods, etc - put 'Birding Tips' into the search box
I digiscope with a powershot A640 and used to use an A95- can't say I've noticed a lag, unless I'm used to it now