This bird arrived with the female sparrows this morning and they were eating dandelion seeds from the lawn. However on looking at the pictures this one appear sto be more like a greenfich in colouring than a sparrow.
It looks a bit sick in this picture but was fine in reality it's just a bad picture.
These sparrows came and left with it. I regulary get these two male greenfinches, but have never spotted a female before.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Get practising girl, it's good for you. Hic. Falls over. Breaks arm.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hmmmm drunken birdies????
Hmmmmm drunken birdwatchers GASP SHOCK HORROR
well really you people!!!
I knew I liked this site ........... now I REALLY know I'm amongst my own kind
cheers everybody :-)
I didn't get to be stupid by being blonde, I was stupid enough to pay to be blonde!!!
Please pity me! After one glass of wine, I can't even SEE a greenfinch let alone recognise one!
Unknown said: Please pity me! After one glass of wine, I can't even SEE a greenfinch let alone recognise one!
I'm afriad that's me too Linda. I used to be such a good drinker, but due to lack of practise am now ill after one measly glass. Like I say more practise needed, although not sure a broken arm is on my list of must haves.