We have blue tits nesting in a box in our garden, they have been taking beakfuls of nesting material for some time now but today as soon as one took a beakful in and flew off the other bird went in and came back out with a beakful which it then let go in the bushes - what do you think was happening? Was the second birds pinching the nesting material or was it a pair who disagreed on where they should nest??
What is this world if full of care we have no time to stand and stare ...
Something similar happened with my blue tits.As I only have the 2 they are a pair.I think it maybe the male takes the material in and the female takes it out as she is not pleased with it!!
It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Hi mrsbullard.
Blue Tits will often bring nesting material in, and then take it out again. The female builds 99% of the nest, if the male has brought back something she isn't happy with, she will remove it.
This can go on for days, and sometimes they take more out than they brought in.
The other thing that comes to mind, was there an old nest in the box. If so then most of that will be removed.
Creature comforts are just like ours, if they're not happy with something then they get rid of it!
Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
Thanks for that - my husband said "Typical woman!!"