Yesterday afternoon I watched a blue tit in my garden tearing pieced of leaf off my oregano plant. It tore off several bits and flew off with them. I don't know if it took any more as I was unable to keep watching for it.
So was it taking it for its antimicrobial properties or was it making pizza? :o)
Hi ffroglet
It might have been taking these pieces to line it's nest. It might have worked out that they smell nice.
I saw a blackbird tearing small pieces of a conifer off, probably for the same reason
Best wishes Chris
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Never imaged it would be something as simple as making the place smell nice :o)
Hi Ffroglet!
A lot of birds do indeed use certain plants as insect / mite deterrents. Lovely to witness it in your garden!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
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Hi ffroglet,As most birds and this certainly includes the birds that visit our garden have a very poor, almost non-existent sense of smell, I think MarJus has hit the nail on the hammer here and these aromatic plants will help deter insects, most of which have a very heightened sense of smell.
Thanks Marjus and Mrs. T. Because of their lack of smell, I had never thought of birds recognising which herbs to use in their nests to deter infestation.
Last year I was fortunate to have a pair of Tree-sparrows nesting in one of my boxes. They had 3 broods and used the same box each time. After the first and second broods had fledged I regularly saw them taking foliage from my Tansy plant up into the box - so I think it must be as an insecticide.It just amazes me that they know which plants are best to use.
So now we know - probably, thanks to Spring watch last night. Smelly herbs are used as an antibacterial agent not anti- insect. Mint is most commonly favoured and it's used to give the babies immune systems some down time while they concentrate on growth. It's most likely to be a learnt behaviour from watching others do it :-)
Saw something ilke this on Springwatch last night, The mom was taking pieces of mint leaves to the nest but missed why they did it.
Birds Rule