I know we have hedgehogs in the garden from tell-tale signs. The other morning I noticed that something had moved some bricks that were lodged under a paving slab. These bricks have been in place for a couple of years and are quite heavy. Although they were loosely placed under the slab they were fitted tightly together (see remaining undisturbed bricks) and I was surprised that something could have moved them.
The garden is enclosed by a fence and a wall and if the gate is closed can only be accessed by climbing or by squeezing through small (hedgehog size) gaps.
So my question is, could a hedgehog have done this; or has anybody an alternative suggestion?
Nature prevails but why make it difficult for her.
i dont think so unles he/shegit their hands on some sterroids lol. Is there any way some badgers could have got in? They are easily strong enough and equiped enough for that sort of job!
We're in the middle of town and although I'd love to think that badgers were visiting I don't think it's likely, or that they could squeeze through the small gap under the gate. Interestingly, I have a ground-mounted bird tray with a wire cage to keep out the larger birds, especially wood pigeons, and most mornings there are dirts on the tray that I think are from hedgehogs. I didn't think they could fit through the gaps but the other morning the whole cage had shifted, indicating that perhaps one had become temporarily stuck.
The mystery remains unsolved.
My guess would be badgers too. I live in the middle of a town as well, and I have two who visit on a nightly basis, and get through holes in the fence that seem to be much too small for them.
One thing you can do is to put a bit of double-sided sticky tape (very Blue Peter!) around the edges of the gap. If anything is getting through, there should be some tell-tale hairs left on the tape. Not sure if it would work with hedgehog spines though!
Maybe a bit of fine sand spread about, your phantom might leave footprints......
I agree with Juno, I'd try putting some sand down and seeing who leave behind some footprints.
Its fascinating either way! :o)
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've replaced the bricks so will now set some indicators (tape/sand) and see what happens.
The thought it may be badgers and not Superhog intrigues and thrills me. Dare I hope?
An night-time vigil may be called for.