Got home from work this evening, opened the back door to go attack the dandelions and this was sitting less than two feet in front of me:
Its parents were sitting on the fence looking anxiously at me so I retreated back in doors, (this pic was taken a little while later from the kitchen window to minimise disturbance.)
It was a bit of a shock to me as I didn't know we had a nest this year, Judging by his colour it looks like the poor little fella got more of a shock than me though!!
Both mum and dad are regularly bringing in the worms, so I'm assuming he's ok and should be left alone? ( ) and that I'll just have to leave the dandelions alone for a few days. dagnamit! just hope that the neighbourhood cats keep their distance.
I have never seen a white blackbird before, how common are they?
Sorry Parax to hear the news, poor little mite.