whist walking the other day i saw a bird on a telephone wire about the size of a small black bird, it was all black, but it had white on the wings visible when the wings wer closed nearest the body on the inner wing, im not sure how to explain lol, but it was a narrow band of white stretching from the body to the wrist.
Appologies for the rubbish discription, any ideas what it could be. My first thought was ring ouzel but only becasue of the black with white near the breast.
Thank you!!
wellllllllll Ring Ouzels are bigger than blackbirds- so that's probably out :)
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before anyone jumps in :) I said 'bigger' - not longer :) Ouzels are 10% heavier and bulkier :)
lol cheers, yeh i knew it wouldnt be a ring ouzel it was just the first thing to spring to mind with the black and white colour, even though the white was in the wrong place lol. i still have no idea. thanks for the info aswell.
This is a complete longshot but I suppose it couldn't be a pied flycatcher. Here's a pic.
The back markings fit your description but the trouble is it's white underneath and it's much smaller than a blackbird - more robin size. Well, to paraphrase Meatloaf "one out of three ain't bad". What do you think?
My Flickr Photostream
That's a very good photo of a pied flycatcher. I think this might be the bird that I've seen several times in bushes and trees near Costco and wondered what it might be. Thanks for showing us that photo.
You weren't at Lavell's Lake on Saturday by any chance were you?
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
No Chris, I was there on Friday. Got a video of two redshanks and a roe deer which I keep meaning to post but I've been trying to catch up on gardening duties.
Sadly, the pied flycatcher pic is not mine although I did get one (not good) in Sicily. Great if you saw one. They are not that common in our area. More common in the west and Wales.
Costco? I had you down as a Waitrose customer. (Other stores are available) LOL
Hi TeeJay good guess but i would be over the moon to see a fly catcher cos ive never seen one before, im starting to think i was dreaming. Becasue of its resemblance to a black bird im thinkin maybe its a blackbird with a bit of pigment missing? do you think that could be a possibilit becasue i have seen albino jackdaws.
Thanks again
owain21 said:Becasue of its resemblance to a black bird im thinkin maybe its a blackbird with a bit of pigment missing?
Yes, it's a distinct possibility. There have been lots of reports on this forum of leucism as it's called. As you suggest it's a lack of pigmentation rather than being albino. Try typing leucism into the search bar and you will see what I mean.
Thanks again TeeJay, yeh i have had a look at the pictures and i have decided that this was proberbly the case as the white though it was in the same place on both sides was a bit irregular. I never knew it was called Leucism and as a wildlife biology student i feel as though i should have lol.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!!