Vocal Dunnnocks?!

Lately I have been getting a wide variety of species come to my garden, and unlike some peopl;e have always had a healthy population of House Sparrows and Dunnocks, but recently I have noticed that the Dunnocks have been singing far more often and MUCH louder. Is this breeding activity?

Also Has anybody else noticed this?



Birding , Birding, Birding !

  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 26/04/2010 16:45

    hi Coal

    Yes, I agree with you a lot. The Dunnocks in our garden are very vocal at the moment.  They move from bush to Tree claiming their patch.  I think it is breeding activity.  I know that they like to reside in other evergreenTrees in the next doors garden as I can hear their little warblers form the bush and the sound of tweets from the same bushes.

    I notice this especially first thing in the morning, and last thing at night before it gets dark

    I have noticed the Dunnocks singing in the front area of our garden and the back too.  i do not know whether it is the same bird but i thought it may be due to all the food around at the front and the back of our garden,  This is turn has made the bird very determined to keep his prime patch.

    Their song is beautiful and it is loud too.

    I have read that they have an elaborate courting session between the male and female,  So it is unmistakable if you have a chance to witness any events that take place.


    Kathy and Dave

    Coal said:

    Lately I have been getting a wide variety of species come to my garden, and unlike some peopl;e have always had a healthy population of House Sparrows and Dunnocks, but recently I have noticed that the Dunnocks have been singing far more often and MUCH louder. Is this breeding activity?

    Also Has anybody else noticed this?




  • Hi Coal,

    Your dunnocks are in breeding mode, and you may also notice them chasing each other across the ground flicking their tails and flaping their wings. They are very vocal, and sweet at the moment. Here is a picture of one of mine on the shed roof in full voice.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I saw one squiddling its head off on the car bonnet this morning, then a second one came out from under the car and they shot off together. It's definitely tarting season!

    A closed mouth gathers no foot.




    dunnocks singing at hois second outside my kitchen window- and have been displaying and chasing like crazy for the last few days whenever it has been sunny



    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Like everyone else I've noticed that my resident pair of dunnocks have been very vocal and flirty in my garden. This inspired me to shoot a video of him in full voice. It's a bit too long but I haven't learnt how to edit videos properly yet.

    Sorry about the plane noise but I live right under the flight path to Heathrow. If you listen carefully you can hear his mate singing in a nearby tree despite the overflying aircraft. Here's the link if you want to take a look.





    My Flickr Photostream 

  • TJ, that is one beautiful, beautiful video. I love it. He is calling his mate and she is replying. He looks a bit stressed, as though he isn't sure where she is. It almost makes me weep to see something as sweet as that, and to be a small part of their private lives. Thank you for sharing it.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thanks Sparrow, you've made come over all emotional. I think he was a bit nervous because I was out in the garden weeding. I just left the video camera running set up on a tripod and hoped for the best. There were also red kites about and a rather aggressive magpie who keeps swooping down on small birds.

    I liked your photo of the dunnock in full song on the shed. You can almost see his tonsils.




    My Flickr Photostream